Index to the Australian Medical Association Archive
Browse People - W
- Waddell, Jas Ronald ( - c. 1975)
- Wadds, Margery Beth ( - c. 1979)
- Waddy, Richard Granville ( - c. 1974)
- Wade, Eric Arnold ( - c. 1974)
- Wade, Robert Blakeway (1874 - 1954)
- Wade, Thomas Fowler
- Wadham, Ben McMahon
- Wadham, Frederick
- Wadham, SM
- Wadmore, James Christopher
- Wadsworth, AE
- Wafer, Lionel
- Wagner, Doric Isabel ( - c. 1980)
- Wagner, John George (1895 - 1977)
- Wainer, Bertram B
- Wait, John Stribbs ( - 1907)
- Wakefield, Alan Ross ( - 1985)
- Wakefield, George ( - 1888)
- Wakeley, Cecil (1892 - )
- Wakley, Thomas (1795 - 1862)
- Walch, Charles Nash Crosby (1869 - )
- Walch, James Henry Brett
- Waldack, Charles (1803 - 1882)
- Waldeck, FW
- Walker
- Walker, Allan Seymour ( - c. 1958)
- Walker, Clifton CP ( - c. 1976)
- Walker, D Greer
- Walker, David ( - c. 1960)
- Walker, Elphinstone
- Walker, George ( - 1870)
- Walker, George Richard Pratt
- Walker, Hartley Rowland
- Walker, John ( - 1868)
- Walker, John Harrison
- Walker, Mary Elizabeth (1921 - 1980)
- Walker, Maxwell Spencer ( - c. 1979)
- Walker, Norman Arthur ( - c. 1976)
- Walker, Olivia Nyna
- Walker, Robert ( - 1874)
- Walker, Ruth
- Walker, Westby ( - c. 1874)
- Walker, William ( - 1897)
- Walker, William Charles
- Walker, William John ( - 1903)
- Walker, WJA
- Walker-Smith, Angus Buchanan (1900 - 1975)
- Walker-Smith, Hugh Bell ( - 1912)
- Walker-Taylor, Philip Neville ( - c. 1965)
- Walkingshaw, Richard (1898 - 1978)
- Wall, Frank E
- Wall, HAC
- Wall, James Augustus
- Wall, James Egan
- Wall, Max
- Wall, Maximilian Eugene
- Wall, Thomas Charles
- Wallace
- Wallace, Alex GS ( - c. 1982)
- Wallace, David Charles (1926 - 1979)
- Wallace, Donald George ( - c. 1975)
- Wallace, Francis Lascelles
- Wallace, Hugh Gilmour (1894 - 1968)
- Wallace, Issac ( - 1868)
- Wallace, James
- Wallace, Kenneth Stewart ( - c. 1977)
- Wallace, Richard
- Wallace, Robert
- Wallace, Victor Hugo ( - c. 1977)
- Waller, Harold William Leslie
- Wallie, James ( - 1912)
- Wallman, Douglas Robson ( - c. 1969)
- Walls, Albert William ( - 1890)
- Walpole
- Walpole, George Rex Outhwaite (1923 - 1984)
- Walpole, Rex ( - c. 1984)
- Walsh, Alfred Ernest ( - 1901)
- Walsh, Edmond Thomas
- Walsh, George Joseph
- Walsh, Robert John (1917 - 1983)
- Walsh, William (1839 - 1872)
- Walsh, William Butler ( - c. 1903)
- Walshe, Denis Byrne
- Walshe, Eustace James (1816 - 1889)
- Walshe, Isabel Margaret Anne ( - c. 1978)
- Walter, EM
- Walter, Henry
- Walter, John Bellet ( - c. 1891)
- Walter, Lindesay Richardson
- Walton Smith, PE ( - 1947)
- Wan, Michael ( - c. 1976)
- Wanke, Ernst Gottlol (1823 - 1897)
- Wanliss, Marion Boyd (1897 - 1984)
- Warburton, Colin ( - c. 1977)
- Warbuton, Colin ( - c. 1977)
- Ward
- Ward, Edgar
- Ward, Harold Whitfield ( - c. 1975)
- Ward, Henry
- Ward, Hugh Kingsley
- Ward, John
- Ward, Joseph Haydon ( - 1893)
- Ward, Robert
- Ward, Robert Dalzell ( - 1902)
- Ward, Sybil
- Ward, William Herbert ( - c. 1972)
- Wardell
- Warden, Douglas Arthur ( - c. 1969)
- Warden, Frederick George
- Warden, Ramsey ( - c. 1974)
- Warder, Robert
- Wardley, Edward Waldegrave ( - c. 1872)
- Ware, Samuel Middleton ( - c. 1941)
- Wark, Colin Campbell ( - 1983)
- Wark, David
- Wark, John M
- Warming, Gerard Reginald ( - c. 1966)
- Warne, James ( - 1958)
- Warner, Charles Avory
- Warner, HH
- Warnock, John ( - 1876)
- Warren, Benjamin K (1840 - 1884)
- Warren, Charles Frank
- Warren, Charles Holman ( - c. 1874)
- Warren, Henry
- Warren, Henry Guy Seymour ( - 1919)
- Warren, John Monteith
- Warren, Richard Benson ( - 1891)
- Warren, Thomas
- Warren, William
- Warren, William Edward ( - c. 1931)
- Warren, WT
- Wartzki, Ivan Meyer ( - c. 1966)
- Wash, David
- Wassell, Joseph Leathem ( - 1915)
- Water, Ralph M ( - c. 1980)
- Waterhouse, Arthur Robert
- Waterhouse, Arthur Stanley ( - c. 1974)
- Waterhouse, George Alan ( - c. 1977)
- Waters, Clarence Henry
- Waters, Frederick William
- Waters, Horace Stanley
- Waters, Ralph Milton (1882 - 1979)
- Waterton, John
- Watkins
- Watkins, Alfred Basil Keith ( - c. 1975)
- Watkins, Charles ( - 1861)
- Watkins, Eric Roderick (1899 - 1971)
- Watkins, Sydney Collings
- Watkins, William Longworth ( - c. 1924)
- Watling, Henry Wyatt ( - 1896)
- Watsford, SD
- Watson
- Watson, Archibald (1849 - 1940)
- Watson, Charles Eric ( - c. 1941)
- Watson, Charles Russell ( - 1914)
- Watson, David D ( - 1976)
- Watson, Frederick
- Watson, George
- Watson, Gerald Darnton Talbot ( - c. 1976)
- Watson, Henry
- Watson, Heyworth AW ( - c. 1974)
- Watson, James Frederick William (1878 - 1945)
- Watson, John Wilcocks
- Watson, KG
- Watson, Roy Fallous ( - c. 1952)
- Watson, Thomas
- Watson, Wallace Robert ( - c. 1985)
- Watson, William
- Watson, William George ( - 1911)
- Watson-Smith, Sidney
- Watt, Alexander Kinnear ( - 1890)
- Watt, John Douglas ( - 1891)
- Watt, Robert (1774 - 1819)
- Watters, Graham
- Watton, John (1796 - 1851)
- Waugh, G
- Waugh, Henry George
- Waugh, Issac ( - 1911)
- Waugh, John Neill (1818 - 1900)
- Waugh, Richard Andrew Phipps
- Waugh, Robert
- Wawn, Royle Newton ( - c. 1966)
- Way, Edward Willis ( - 1901)
- Way, Inman
- Waylen, Alfred Robert (1833 - 1901)
- Wearing-Smith, Gordon ( - c. 1973)
- Weate, Robert George
- Weaver, Alex S ( - c. 1974)
- Webb, Arthur Lidden ( - c. 1969)
- Webb, ArthurLionel Bridges ( - 1971)
- Webb, Charles Houlton
- Webb, Edward Robert ( - 1892)
- Webb, Fritz William ( - 1904)
- Webb, James Ramsay ( - c. 1929)
- Webb, John Holden ( - 1908)
- Webb, Malcolm ( - 1913)
- Webb, Ronald Campbell
- Webb, Rowan
- Webb, Rowan Campbell
- Webb, Rowan George
- Webb, Vernon George ( - 1982)
- Webb, William Simpson ( - 1938)
- Webber, Howard Mansfield
- Webb-Johnson, Alfred
- Weber, Johann August ( - c. 1901)
- Weber, Len Clarence ( - 1977)
- Webster, Arthur Low ( - c. 1983)
- Webster, Barclay Parsons ( - c. 1967)
- Webster, F Garcia
- Webster, George Alexander ( - c. 1911)
- Webster, George M
- Webster, James ( - 1907)
- Webster, Jessie Charlton
- Webster, LC
- Webster, Marshall Hall ( - 1890)
- Webster, ME
- Webster, Percy Marshall
- Webster, Percy Samuel ( - c. 1928)
- Webster, Reginald J ( - 1976)
- Webster, Robert ( - 1883)
- Webster, Robert Marrcott William ( - 1968)
- Webster, Ross Wharton
- Wechsler, Z ( - c. 1970)
- Wechsler, Zacharias ( - c. 1970)
- Wecter, D
- Wector, Dixon
- Wedlick, Leigh Thornton ( - 1981)
- Weedon, Cyril James
- Weekes, Charles Jones ( - 1908)
- Wehl, Edward (1823 - 1876)
- Weiden, S
- Weidenbach, Arnold Edwin
- Weigall, Albert ( - 1964)
- Weigall, Gerald ( - c. 1950)
- Weigall, Gerald Carl (1872 - 1950)
- Weigall, Gerald Raleigh ( - c. 1962)
- Weigall, GR
- Weigall, Reginald Edward
- Weihen, Albert Wallace ( - c. 1948)
- Weild, David ( - 1905)
- Weinreb, Alfred ( - c. 1980)
- Weir, John
- Weir, Laura
- Welch, Arthur Walter ( - c. 1980)
- Welch, Edward Ronald
- Welch, JH
- Welch, John Basil St Vincent ( - 1919)
- Welch, Kenyon St Vincent
- Welch, Leslie St Vincent
- Welch, Richard Gilmore (1914 - 1974)
- Welch, Robert Porter
- Welchman, John Arthur Cromwell
- Weld, James Charles
- Weld, Octavius
- Welford, Francis ( - 1901)
- Wellings, HP
- Wells, Augustus ( - 1875)
- Wells, Cecil H
- Wells, Charlotte Edith ( - c. 1973)
- Wells, Ernest Kenneth Bethune ( - c. 1981)
- Wells, John Clarence ( - 1919)
- Wells, Lionel Selfe ( - 1907)
- Welsh, Charles Henry
- Welsh, David Arthur ( - c. 1948)
- Welsh, RP
- Welshman, RS
- Welshman, W
- Welton, BE
- Wentworth, D'Arcy (1762 - 1827)
- Wentworth, WC
- Wenyon, Charles Morley
- Werner, Ilena ( - c. 1978)
- Wesley, Charles Herbert ( - 1968)
- West, Arthur Annesley ( - 1885)
- West, Francis William
- West, Major
- West, Richard Francis Kirby (1914 - 1983)
- West, William Augustus ( - 1905)
- Westbrock, HJ
- Westbrook, Talbot ( - 1902)
- Westlake, George William
- Weston, James ( - c. 1870)
- Weston, John (1773 - 1818)
- Westrum, Richard ( - 1891)
- Wetherell, Benjamin John ( - 1897)
- Wettenhall, Norman
- Wettenhall, Roland Ravenscroft ( - 1965)
- Weyman, Irwin J ( - 1982)
- Whatley, John
- Wheatland, Frank Travis ( - 1960)
- Wheeler
- Wheeler, James Atkin ( - 1939)
- Wheeler, Reginald J ( - c. 1976)
- Whelan, Robert Ford
- Whelan, Thomas Francis ( - c. 1977)
- Wherrett, Ernest Albert
- Whipple
- Whipple, Frederick
- Whish, George M ( - c. 1976)
- Whishaw, RR ( - 1908)
- Whitaker, Henry ( - c. 1974)
- Whitaker, John Grieve ( - c. 1967)
- Whitaker, Joseph ( - 1903)
- Whitby, Lionel
- Whitcomb, Henry Marone ( - 1879)
- Whitcomb, Henry Moroney
- Whitcombe, William Phillip ( - c. 1896)
- White
- White, AD
- White, AE Rowden (1876 - 1963)
- White, Alfred Rowden
- White, CT
- White, David O
- White, Douglas Oakley
- White, Edward Rowden (1884 - 1958)
- White, Egal (1914 - 1969)
- White, George
- White, George Vincent ( - 1913)
- White, Glyn
- White, Henry
- White, J Aitken
- White, James Purves ( - 1895)
- White, John
- White, John (1750 - 1832)
- White, John W
- White, Margaret Isabel ( - 1903)
- White, Patrick Henry ( - 1891)
- White, Patrick J
- White, PJ
- White, Salome Jean ( - c. 1974)
- White, Thomas Edward ( - 1868)
- White, Thomas George ( - 1894)
- White, Wilfrid James
- White, William
- Whitehead, Percy Newall ( - c. 1937)
- Whitell, Henry R
- Whiteside, John Douglas ( - c. 1978)
- Whiteside, Stanley James ( - 1961)
- Whitfield
- Whitford, Raymond Stanley
- Whiting, Keith Moore
- Whitley, Gilbert P
- Whitlock, Francis Anthony
- Whittam, Thomas John Kevin ( - c. 1978)
- Whittell, Henry Rawes
- Whittell, Horatio Thomas ( - 1899)
- Whittenbury, Edwin Collyer (1832 - 1868)
- Whittingham, Harold Edward ( - c. 1984)
- Whittingham, Senga
- Whyte, Angus Campbell ( - 1905)
- Whyte, Henry Malcolm
- Whyte, Margaret ( - 1948)
- Wibberley, BW
- Wiburd, C
- Wiburd, CR
- Wick
- Wickens, George Frederick
- Wickens, Hugh Frederic
- Wicks, William Geoffrey
- Widal, Ferdinand Isadore Georges (1862 - 1929)
- Widmer, Blair
- Widolg, Goran Algot (1930 - 1983)
- Wien-Smith, Geoffrey
- Wigan
- Wigan, EA
- Wigan, George ( - c. 1909)
- Wigg
- Wigg, Alfred Edgar ( - 1914)
- Wigg, Henry Carter ( - 1890)
- Wigg, Henry Higham
- Wigg, Thomas Carter
- Wight, John Cam
- Wigley, Geoffrey Robert
- Wigley, John Edwin Mackonochie
- Wijerama, EM
- Wilbe, Ernest Edward
- Wilcocks, Rupert Gill
- Wilde, Oscar
- Wilde, William Robert Willis (1815 - 1876)
- Wilder, Emmanuel ( - 1983)
- Wilders, Frederick William ( - 1865)
- Wiley, Courtenay James (1890 - 1981)
- Wiley, Harvey Washington (1844 - 1930)
- Wilhelm, Donald Lancelot ( - c. 1978)
- Wiliams, Fred
- Wilkie
- Wilkie, David
- Wilkie, David Elliott (1815 - 1885)
- Wilkie, David William Balfour
- Wilkie, Patricia
- Wilkie, William
- Wilkin, R McKim
- Wilkins
- Wilkins, John
- Wilkins, Walter
- Wilkinson, Arthur Mckenzie ( - c. 1930)
- Wilkinson, Camac ( - c. 1946)
- Wilkinson, George
- Wilkinson, George Blakisten
- Wilkinson, Henry
- Wilkinson, Herbet John ( - c. 1963)
- Wilkinson, Isabel
- Wilkinson, Jeffrey Willmott ( - c. 1944)
- Wilkinson, JF
- Wilkinson, John Francis ( - 1936)
- Wilkinson, Miles Epenetus ( - 1891)
- Wilkinson, W Stanley
- Wilkinson, WC
- Wilkinson, William Camac
- Wilkinson, William Cleland
- Wilkinson, William Hartley
- Wilks, Stephen Geary
- Will, Alick Murray
- Will, John H
- Will, William Johnstone
- Willcocks, George
- Willders, Frederick
- Willdridge, Ernest
- Willey, Josiah
- Williams, Adela
- Williams, Ann
- Williams, Arthur Evan ( - c. 1976)
- Williams, Basil ( - c. 1980)
- Williams, Beryl Oenone ( - c. 1973)
- Williams, Cicely
- Williams, Clive Gowan ( - c. 1973)
- Williams, D
- Williams, Darcy Ambrose (1897 - 1982)
- Williams, David John ( - 1902)
- Williams, Edward Johnson ( - 1911)
- Williams, Ezra Hurlburt ( - 1902)
- Williams, F
- Williams, Fanny Eleanor ( - c. 1963)
- Williams, FE
- Williams, Felicity ( - c. 1974)
- Williams, Fenwick D'Arcy
- Williams, Frederick James ( - c. 1961)
- Williams, Geoffrey Athol ( - c. 1979)
- Williams, Henry James ( - 1941)
- Williams, Herbert Ernest
- Williams, Howard
- Williams, Howard Gladstone (1870 - 1896)
- Williams, Hugh Luther
- Williams, Isla Margaret
- Williams, J
- Williams, JE ( - 1907)
- Williams, JHR
- Williams, John (1841 - 1914)
- Williams, John Keatley ( - c. 1977)
- Williams, John Rhys ( - c. 1947)
- Williams, John Traherne ( - 1889)
- Williams, KJ
- Williams, Leslie
- Williams, Maldwyn Leslie ( - c. 1917)
- Williams, Michael Paul ( - 1904)
- Williams, Morris Albert ( - c. 1974)
- Williams, Morvyn
- Williams, Patrick Michael ( - c. 1973)
- Williams, Rhodri Gwyn (1904 - 1968)
- Williams, Samuel Irvine (1866 - 1898)
- Williams, Stanley
- Williams, Stanley William (1905 - 1986)
- Williams, Thomas G
- Williams, Thomas Owen ( - 1907)
- Williams, William
- Williams, William Daniel C ( - 1919)
- Williams, William James ( - c. 1873)
- Williamson, Henry William (1838 - 1876)
- Williamson, Walter
- Williamson, WC
- Willis, Allan Trevor
- Willis, Carole Patricia ( - c. 1981)
- Willis, Charles Savill ( - c. 1919)
- Willis, Charles St Leger
- Willis, Evan
- Willis, George Owen
- Willis, Henry Hastings ( - c. 1973)
- Willis, Jack Rupert Law
- Willis, JH
- Willis, Rory Clevedon
- Willis, Rupert Allan ( - 1980)
- Willis, Thomas (1622 - 1675)
- Willis, Thomas Rupert H ( - c. 1933)
- Willis, Valentine Neville V ( - c. 1979)
- Willis, William Parton ( - 1898)
- Willmott, Julius John Eardley (1849 - 1897)
- Wills
- Wills, William ( - 1899)
- Wills, William John (1834 - 1861)
- Willson, Henry John Welch (1929 - 1983)
- Willson, John ( - c. 1984)
- Willson, John Hector ( - c. 1975)
- Wilmolt, Thomas
- Wilmot, Betty
- Wilmot, William Byam (1805 - 1875)
- Wilsmore, NTM
- Wilson
- Wilson, Alan Bennie ( - c. 1971)
- Wilson, Alfred Oxley
- Wilson, Andrew Donald ( - c. 1980)
- Wilson, Arthur Mitchell ( - c. 1948)
- Wilson, Barry Graham (1942 - 1972)
- Wilson, Benjamin Gilmore ( - c. 1943)
- Wilson, C
- Wilson, Charles Ernest Cameron ( - c. 1952)
- Wilson, Charles Roy
- Wilson, Charles William Edgar
- Wilson, Colin George ( - 1892)
- Wilson, David Henry
- Wilson, Douglas Rose Campbell ( - c. 1970)
- Wilson, Edward Adrian (1872 - 1912)
- Wilson, Edward John ( - 1820)
- Wilson, Emma Mary Kent ( - c. 1979)
- Wilson, Eric Campbell ( - c. 1973)
- Wilson, Francis ( - 1918)
- Wilson, Francis (1838 - 1897)
- Wilson, George ( - 1913)
- Wilson, Grace
- Wilson, Gwenifer CM
- Wilson, Henry Boase ( - c. 1910)
- Wilson, Ian Herbert ( - 1983)
- Wilson, James Hamilton (1853 - 1879)
- Wilson, James NH ( - c. 1976)
- Wilson, James Thomas ( - 1906)
- Wilson, James Thomas ( - c. 1945)
- Wilson, JG
- Wilson, John
- Wilson, John Besnard
- Wilson, John Grattan
- Wilson, John MO ( - c. 1976)
- Wilson, John Scott ( - 1893)
- Wilson, John Sidney ( - c. 1918)
- Wilson, John Smith
- Wilson, John Stewart ( - c. 1968)
- Wilson, John Wise
- Wilson, Joseph Henry (1863 - 1948)
- Wilson, JS ( - c. 1969)
- Wilson, JT
- Wilson, Lionel L
- Wilson, MD
- Wilson, MG ( - c. 1971)
- Wilson, Milford Graham (1902 - 1971)
- Wilson, Neville Pickernell
- Wilson, R
- Wilson, RG
- Wilson, Samuel ( - 1897)
- Wilson, Thomas ( - 1890)
- Wilson, Thomas (1815 - 1893)
- Wilson, Thomas Alexander (1868 - c. 1946)
- Wilson, Thomas Braidwood (1792 - 1843)
- Wilson, Thomas Edward (1913 - 1972)
- Wilson, Thomas George ( - c. 1958)
- Wilson, W Wilfred
- Wilson, William Edgar
- Wilson, William Wellesley (1909 - 1969)
- Wilson, Woodrow
- Wilson, WW
- Wilsone, David Henry (1791 - 1841)
- Wilton, John
- Wilton, William
- Windeyer, John Cadell ( - c. 1951)
- Windeyer, Victor
- Windle, Bertram (1858 - 1929)
- Windsor, Harry J ( - c. 1976)
- Windsor, Harry M
- Windsor, Henry Joseph (1885 - 1976)
- Wing, Lindon Worlledge ( - c. 1977)
- Wing, Marie Naomi ( - c. 1985)
- Wingrove, Francis William ( - 1892)
- Winn, RC ( - c. 1964)
- Winning, Kathleen
- Winston, Charles Edward
- Winterbotham, Lindsay Page ( - c. 1960)
- Winthrope, Leopold ( - c. 1975)
- Winton
- Winton, Ronald R
- Wise, Allen Glendenning ( - c. 1974)
- Wise, Frank JS
- Wiseman, John Francis
- Wiseman, Richard
- Wisewould, Gweneth
- Wisewould, Percy
- Wishart, William Balfouw ( - c. 1977)
- Wisharts, Rob Milne
- Wishaw, R
- Wishaw, Ralph (1895 - 1976)
- Withering, William (1741 - 1799)
- Witherington, E
- Withers, Oswald Edgar Bruce ( - 1919)
- Withington, Robert Charles ( - c. 1934)
- Witts, Louis Binney ( - 1982)
- Wohlmann, Arthur Stanley
- Woinarski, Beatrice Zichy
- Woinarski, Gustav Henry Stephen Zichy ( - 1915)
- Woinarski, SPA Z
- Woinarski, Stanislaus Emil Antony Zichy ( - c. 1920)
- Woinarsky, Victor Joseph Emanuel Zichy ( - c. 1921)
- Wolcot, John (1738 - 1819)
- Wolfe, John Reissberg ( - 1905)
- Wolfenden, James Jackson (1842 - 1890)
- Wolfenden, Joseph Hines ( - c. 1922)
- Wolfhagen, John Edgar
- Wollaston, Henry N
- Wollaston, William Hyde
- Wolrige, Herbert Ernest Rhodes
- Wood
- Wood, Alexander (1817 - 1884)
- Wood, Arthur Holroyd O'Hara ( - c. 1919)
- Wood, Arthur Jeffreys (1861 - 1937)
- Wood, Barbara Grendon ( - 1980)
- Wood, C
- Wood, Carl Sandford
- Wood, Colonel William
- Wood, Douglas
- Wood, Edwin Carlyle
- Wood, HB
- Wood, Henry Simpson ( - 1883)
- Wood, Ian
- Wood, Ian Jeffreys
- Wood, Paul Hamilton (1907 - 1962)
- Wood, Percy Moore ( - c. 1939)
- Wood, William ( - c. 1974)
- Wood, William Atkinson (1863 - 1945)
- Woodall, John
- Woodburn, James John ( - c. 1978)
- Woodburn, William Young
- Woodforde
- Woodforde, Alfred Ernest ( - 1900)
- Woodforde, John (1806 - 1866)
- Woodforde, Sydney Ridout
- Woodforde, W
- Woodhead, Ellis ( - 1855)
- Wood-Jones, Frederic (1879 - 1954)
- Woodruff, Harold Addison ( - c. 1967)
- Woodruff, Michael
- Woodruff, Phillip
- Woods, Brian Rosse ( - 1960)
- Woods, Charles William G ( - c. 1978)
- Woods, Charles William Tuthill
- Woods, George
- Woods, Jack McKenzie ( - c. 1979)
- Woods, John Grieve (1900 - 1980)
- Woods, Leslie Samuel
- Woods, Robert Grieve ( - c. 1968)
- Woods, William Cleaver
- Woodward, Charles Richard Mills ( - 1897)
- Woodward, EC
- Woodward, Edward Albert ( - c. 1950)
- Woodward, George Paul Minchin ( - 1908)
- Woodward, Ian James ( - c. 1982)
- Woodward, WW
- Wooldridge, Henry (1811 - 1902)
- Woolhouse, Henry Herve (1827 - 1889)
- Woollard, H
- Woollard, Herbert Henry
- Woolley, George Talbot
- Woolnough, Robert Edmund ( - 1919)
- Wooster, Gordon Bruce Roy ( - c. 1965)
- Worcester, Reginald George (1903 - 1972)
- Worch, Desmond Chisholm ( - 1981)
- Worgan, George Bouchier (1757 - 1838)
- Workman, Francis (1834 - 1897)
- Worrall, Ralph (1859 - 1942)
- Worsnop, T
- Wort, John Boucher
- Worthington, EW ( - 1884)
- Wray, Charles James Hill ( - c. 1902)
- Wren, Ed
- Wren, Erasmus ( - 1905)
- Wright
- Wright, Almoth Edward (1861 - 1947)
- Wright, Douglas
- Wright, Edward (1788 - 1859)
- Wright, EJ
- Wright, Frederick William ( - 1903)
- Wright, Henry Richard ( - 1901)
- Wright, Horatio George Anthony (1827 - 1901)
- Wright, John
- Wright, Myles
- Wright, Peter S ( - c. 1975)
- Wright, RD
- Wright, Reginald G ( - c. 1976)
- Wright, Robert ( - 1891)
- Wright, Roy Douglas
- Wright, Thomas Alfred ( - 1957)
- Wright, Thomas Cole ( - 1905)
- Wright-Smith, Redford John ( - c. 1946)
- Wright-St Clair, RE
- Wrigley, Frederick Hamilton
- Wrright, Francis George ( - 1897)
- Wulkow, Carl
- Wunderly, Harry ( - c. 1971)
- Wunderly, HW
- Wunsch, Elizabeth
- Wuth, Ernest Magnus
- Wyatt, William (1805 - 1886)
- Wyer, Charles Erskine (1854 - 1886)
- Wyers, Hubert
- Wylde, Robert Tracey
- Wylie, Archibald
- Wylie, David Storer
- Wylie, James Roxburgh (1843 - 1876)
- Wylie, Matthew
- Wyly, Thomas Manly ( - 1871)
- Wyndham, Norman Richard (1907 - 1981)
- Wynn, Victor
- Wynne, Joseph Gillis
- Wynne, Thomas Gillis (1891 - 1959)
- Wynter, Stuart Maxwell ( - c. 1984)
- Wyse